Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wall of Books...

I just love bookshelves behind lounges like these images. Its such a gorgeous and interesting backdrop - like a big wall of art that can be ever changing. The top image is Oprah's private library. The second image I had saved from I Suwannee blog - its just gorgeous.


Foley said...

I love your blog, there are so inspirational pictures!

Millie said...

I love bookshelves too, but how does Oprah keep hers so orderly! Ours looks so dishevelled in comparision!
Millie ^_^

annechovie said...

Books add something that nothing else can. Great post!

Julie @ Belle Maison said...

these are stunning! love the second photo the best!

Viera said...

Stunning pictures, Love a library od any kind and they don't even have to be colour coordinated.

mondocherry said...

My dream house will have built in bookcases with lovely chairs for curling up in. I love my books, but they don't have that same design appeal as these two photos. All those matching spines!!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Beautiful! I'm working on ours...have a loveseat that the bookshelvess surround right now...want to join them together at the top.

Love your images!

Amanda said...

Lovely! I love Oprah's library. I love how the ruffle on the bottom of the chair matches the book spines. Very clever.

cotedetexas said...

O's office was my favorite! isn't it just gorgeous????? love the upholstered furniture and the fabric too.

thanks for your great comment!