Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Looking Ahead...

Is anyone else struggling to get back into things after holidays? Yesterday was our first day back at work and after an exceptional coffee we, surprisingly, had a very productive day. I have so many plans for this year, the first of which is decluttering my own house. Holidays have been a great opportunity for this and many cupboards have been cleared out. This is such a great way to start the year as it stops you from getting trapped into a particular style - sometimes we have to acknowledge that we have moved on from something and make room for a new passion.
The following pictures are my inspiration for all the projects I want to achieve in my home over the next twelve months (OK probably more like 5 years but I'm optimistic):
image via Celerie Kemble
I want to create a stunning small office space that I can feel inspired in!

from Traditional Home via Oliveaux

I want a couple of built in book shelves downstairs so we can finally unpack our boxes of books!

image via M-A Belle

I want to update our staircase with new sisal carpet and a gorgeous rail such as this - my husband was a little shocked when I showed him this!

image via Living Etc

And as I've mentioned before, I want a new kitchen, preferably as black and as gorgeous as this one!

via BHG website

And finally I would love to update our bathrooms - maybe not quite as elaborately as this one but you get the picture. Well you have to dream big don't you? I hope you all have big dreams and plans for the year ahead because that's what makes it exciting! Tracey x


Unknown said...

What exciting plans for the new year. I love all the images of what you want to accomplish, and I am very sure that you will!!
All the very best for 2009.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

happy 2009! the 2nd room is amazing, loving the many storage shelves & linked sofa unit!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Great inspiation pictures! Really loving that black and white kitchen!

to a productive and bountiful 2009!!

Velvet and Linen said...

Tracey, those are some wonderful goals.
With images like those how could you not achieve them?
You really selected some beautiful images.
I may have to change my mind about an all white kitchen.
Happy New Year!


la la Lovely said...

Happy New year!!!! I am right there with you.. today was my first day back in the normal schedule and it was a bit of a struggle but not as bad as I thought. Love your ideas for updating your home and can't wait to see what you accomplish!
xx Trina

lily-g said...

looks like you have an exciting year ahead, love the staircase the most but all the images are beautiful i could have one of each. When I look back over my life I have had so many different styles of homes and furniture luckily we are in the industry that makes it easier to change and by the look of things you both have great taste and loads of inspiration, I wish you both the best year ever and look forward to our blogging morning tea x

vicki archer said...

I would like to rejig my desk and work space too - reading your post has made me think get a move on with it. Thank you, xv.

Fargerike Dagny said...

That staircase was just beautiful. I actually loved all of your sources of inspiration. Very exciting plans, hopefully you'll post pictures of the results here :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Tracey. I think all your plans sound fantastic - good luck with putting it all into fruition, and don't forget to share the results!

Lynne said...

I love that desk - I never think about using yellow but it looks fabulous.

Karyn said...

Fun, fun, fun. What would there be to do if the whole house was perfect? I don't think I have to worry about finding out.

These ideas are great. I especially love the woven pendant shades in the black and white kitchen. I was eying some along those lines at Ikea. Thinking about how they could become fabulous. Here's my answer. Happy new year.

Calirel said...

I love the 1st picture for the organization of magazines ! thanks !

Camilla said...

Oh what I would DO for that gorgeous office set up!

Brown Button Trading said...

hello lovely ladies! happy new year to you both. What lovely ideas Tracey! can't wait to see what you both get upto this year x

Things That Inspire said...

New year, and full of inspiration! What a great post. I love these images, and am intrigued with that stair picture.