Friday, March 6, 2009

Colours of Santorini

After a very chaotic 3 weeks of too many things to mention, I wish I was spending the weekend relaxing here in Santorini. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Unknown said...

Wow. Wish I could head to Santorini for the weekend. Sigh.

Viera said...

Have a nice relaxing weekend.
(Truly, best blue ever.)

mondocherry said...

You too. Love your new header (maybe I am very behind and it is not so very new, but today isthe first time I noticed it and I like it!)
Clare x

Anonymous said...

It would be nice wouldn't it? Tis a pity Australia isn't a bit closer! Hope you get to have some relaxing time after your hectic last few weeks.

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

happy weekend! i've seen so many gorgeous pictures of Santorini, wish i could spend my summer there! :)


Claire Mercado-Obias said...

I'll pretend with you...we're off to Santorini!!!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Wow.....that saturated color and white white whitewash. Wish I was there too!

Great weekend!

Shannon Fricke said...

I've never been to Greece - but would love to go sometime. These colours are so refreshing - love, love, love.
p.s also love the new header too!

Erin Southwell said...


Santorini is at the top of my list of places to visit before I die.

Dani @ Weddings Fresh said...

i very much enjoy your blog! and you must escape to santorini--it was the most amazing place i have ever been. just go!

The House That A-M Built said...

Spectacularly gorgeous picture. I spent 2 weeks as a backpacker, on Mykonos back in 1990, before it became renowned for what is renowned for now... pure heaven! Oh happy memories of my youth! A-M xx

DesignTies said...

The combo of that blue and that white makes my eyes very, very happy :-) Simply stunning!!!

Kelly @ DesignTies

avant garde design said...

wow...that photo would make for a beautiful painting! wishing i was there on this rainy, raw monday on caep cod. :)