
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Top Design Top Designer

Top Design winner Nathan Thomas
I always love watching the designers compete for the number one. Nathan Thomas did a very impressive job on his final design that saw him come into first place. I actually thought the paper chandelier was a great idea.

Love these bone inlaid chairs and the colour selection of the study
More paper plates set a new mood against the dramatic black wall. Looks like moonlight.
Brooklyn Salon
I really love the big open space and the design on the wall.


  1. I liked him too! Good to see he won. I liked & caught a lot of the earlier shows as well, great inspiration there.
    lamaisonfou blog

  2. Top Design was great this season and I really liked Nathan. What's he up to now, I wonder? I hear a lot about Eddie Ross, but not the TD winner.

  3. We are behind in Australia and the final is next week - but i have always been one to find out the winners of these things beforehand! What a great show, i loved it, Mel xxx

  4. Wow, what an amazing young designer. Love his style!

  5. love the new blog header!! Just gorgeous. Did you or your Mum design it?

  6. wow, love his work! that writing on the wall is so amazing! :)

  7. I've just come over from Mels blog - I can see I've got a lot of intersting reading to catch up with on your blog - it's Wonderful!!

    We're loving researching Australian design at the moment - I'm looking forward to visiting your blog again soon

  8. I preferred Preston's final design. Although to be honest, there wasn't really any one designer on the show that I was rooting for. A couple I was rooting against, though!!

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  9. I agree Kelly, some weeks you like one and the other week you wonder what went wrong. I think that Nathan is now launching his own design studio Julia.

    Sorry for letting the cat out of the bag Mel!

  10. O I am glad you posted who the winner wad. I didn't get to see it. His final stuff looks great!!
