
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We can't do everything, but we can do something!

Photo image taken last week in Nepal by my beautiful daughter Kelsey.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.


In my inbox this morning was an email from Charity water. In April this year we did a post on clean water for people living in countries unable to access clean drinking water themselves. I thought i would copy you in on their email and add some links to this worthy cause. I urge our dear readers to tell everyone you know to support and be involved in this most basic necessity to life. My darling daughter Kelsey travelled with 13 of her friends to a village in Nepal 2 weeks ago to help in a school and one of the many orphanages situated up in the mountain. They played with the children, taught them some songs and craft and help paint the walls and add a few new supplies to their school. Her heart just broke the day they visited the orphanage and saw it laden with mould, children sharing beds and flies swarming the face of a tiny three year old girl sleeping in her cot. They too like many places in the world do not have the luxury of clean drinking water.
Here is what the foundation emailed me this morning.......

Hi Porch Light Interiors,

charity: water needs your help! We were so excited to see that you mentioned us in your blog post back in April, and although you may not even realize it, your post helped direct others to join in the mission to help end the world's water crisis.  We need people like you to continue helping us spread the word. 

I’m reaching out for your help with charity: water’s biggest campaign, and to let you know by doing so, there is a chance to add your name to a drilling rig in Ethiopia!


At the start of this month we launched our 5th Annual September Campaign, our most ambitious campaign to date: we’re trying to spark over 1000 individual fundraising campaigns to fund a $1.2 million drilling rig that will be able to dig 80 wells each year, that can provide 40,000 people clean water. 

AND if we hit that fundraising target this year, a matching donor will buy ANOTHER rig, ensuring 40,000 more people a year with clean water.


So far we’ve raised over $400,000 and over 600 people have started fundraising campaigns. A good start, but we need more help! The campaign will remain open until October 31, and we need your participation to tell more people about it, to share the story, and hopefully to encourage people to join us in fundraising!


So this September 30 we’re asking a few dozen bloggers we know care about our cause to write a post highlighting the September Campaign. We’ll reward 3 of these blogs by putting their name on the drilling rig (and of course, we’ll send you photos). The two posts that send us the most traffic this Friday, and the post our staff vote as their favorite, will win their names on the rig!


This Wednesday from 6:30-7pm ET we’re hosting a special ustream chat session with our CEO and Founder Scott Harrison. We’re opening this up exclusively to September Campaigners and those bloggers we feel can create a buzz about charity: water’s September Campaign! 

Just visit at 6:30pm ET Wednesday September 28 to join.


We’ve got a lot of great material and information about the campaign for you to check out:

September Campaign site:

September Campaign Video (4 minutes):
Our 5th anniversary Thank You Video: 

September Assets Page (photos, banners etc):
Detailed blog post on the rig:


  1. Very thoughtful post, I hope they can raise enough money to build more wells!

  2. Great post. Our church has been raising money for safe drinking water in third world countries. Hard to imagine that some people don't have something so basic.

  3. Ooh, it must have been hard for your daughter to visit the orphanage. I know I wouldn't have gotten it off my mind. I'm so glad you're doing something!!! Have a lovely day!

    Kristin xo

  4. the picture looks amazing. what a great charity and so necessary
