Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas at the beach house

Australian christmas holidays - walking on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves lapping upon the seashore, waving hello to people as they walk on by, drenching yourself in the hot summer day (with sunscreen on of course) having time to spend with your family, nothing else to do. So nice...............

I would love this house, on the beach

love the coffee table
and the mirror
and the chairs
and the bed


Greet Lefèvre said...

Your last posts were so wonderful! What a eye-candy images! LOOVVEE all the images!

The Little Miss said...

you were mentioned in my emagazine! said...

Oh those blue chairs....drool.

Mafe Molinari said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and for the best wishes...

Millie said...

Oh so pretty girls, but we'd have to build MOTH a separate pavilion, as he would not be allowed within 10 metres of those beautiful chair covers! Last Summer he wore the same pair of boardies 20 days running before they saw the inside of the washing machine!
Millie ^_^

Karyn said...

Absolutely Loovvee the images. A summer Christmas can be GREAT !!

mondocherry said...

This would be one classy beach house. It would need a "No Sand Allowed" sign out front! I love that last kids' room, especially the wire basket shelf with the hooks underneath.
Clare x

the old boathouse said...

Heaven in a room!!

Brabourne Farm said...

I'm not a beach person but these beautiful images would certainly tempt me to make a change! Leigh

One of my Hobby Blogs said...

Isn't grey a great beach house colour now? I love it so much...

Thelma Louise said...

So many nice pic.:-) Have a wonderful day.:-) Gry :-)

Jeanne Henriques said...

Love your blog...great photos! Lots to see...look forward to future posts :)

Alison Gibbs said...

Fabulous photos. Yes - christmas in Summer in Australia is the best!! Maybe I am biased but nothing better than christmas breakfast on the beach.

Furniture removal said...

I wish I have a beach house to spend Christmas there. Aw! This made me really jealous and motivated. Someday I will have my own beach house.

Gift registry said...

Aw! If I have one of these beach house. I would spend my holidays on this place and have my family gathered. Oh! That would be so relaxing.

Brown Button Trading said...

You summed it up beautifully! can't wait x

cotedetexas said...

gorgeous!!! it's SNOWING here RIGHT now!!!!!!!!!! unreal, huh?

paula said...
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