Friday, February 5, 2010

Another Crazy Week!

We haven't stopped since we returned from our trip so I must appologise for our lack of posts once again! We went to Sydney for the day on Wednesday for Design & Decoration and went and listened to Kathryn Ireland's seminar which was fantastic. She is such an inspiring speaker and we went afterwards to meet her and get a signed copy of her latest book...I just love it! I have already found a spot for it in my cabinet!
After we finished up at the trade fair, we headed over to look at some of our favourite stores in Woollahra, including the Donna Hay General Store, where I picked up a couple of gorgeous green milk glass cake stands...I couldn't resist them! As you can see, I have a matching mixing bowl which my mum gave me a couple of years ago! Hopefully we will have more time for posts in the next week! Happy weekend! Tracey xx


Marina Saclley @ Iced VoVo's said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment.
I know what its like visiting trade shows ... wonderfully inspiring ... but exhausting!
Gorgeous cake stands ... especially from Donna Hay!
Have a well rested weekend!

mondocherry said...

Love those Donna Hay cake stands. I don't usually go for green accessories in the kitchen but those could change my mind. Not sure I can really get away with buying more cake stands though - I am meant to be baking less cakes! Glad you had such a lovely day. I will look out for that book.
Clare x

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

I just ordered that book...should be here today!

Sharnel said...

I love those stands too. I have them in pink!

avant garde design said...

that green milk glass is fabulous! very unique. sounds like you had a couple of days of pure inspiration! good for you! happy weekend :)

annechovie said...

Great finds! I hope that you can get a little rest this weekend. xx

the old boathouse said...

The green milk glass is wonderful! No wonder you couldn't resist.

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh sounds like you are still having fun, I'd be sooo exhasted.

Love the pic's in the previous post too....especially the last :)

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Hi there!
I can't believe those green milk glass pieces! My wholeretr kitchen is that color......That's great you got to attend the KI Seminar, I love her fabrics.....No more jet lag for you two!
Maryanne xo

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Your cake stands & bowl are so pretty. To go to Donna Hay's store must be a real treat? What a great day including meeting Kathyrn Ireland & listening to her speak. Hoping the new week is not as hectic for you but just as fun!

Viera said...

I am glad you had a good time in Sydney and nice weekend to recover.
These stands are great.
V said...

What a beautiful cake stand. Glad you had a great trip.

Kellie Collis said...

It's a fabulous store isnt it!! x

Brabourne Farm said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous time in Sydney. Love the cakestands - such a gorgeous green. Leigh

Samy said...

Love the cake stands, pretty colour!

AnnaVallance said...

I had the chance to buy a mixing bowl like yours but took too long to think about it and when I went back it was gone. Won't make that mistake again. Love the cake stands.

Fargerike Dagny said...

I've been looking for a jadeite cake stand like that for a while, they're beautiful!! Great finds! :)

Beadboard UpCountry said...

OOOOOPPPS! We are still catching up!!!Tracey and Haley, we thought we were on Amanda's blog Duh. Any way you get the idea.....Peter showed it to me in the middle of the pictures....We love you guys and we are not idiots!!!!!MA and Peter...

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

Love the Paris apartment, its beautiful! When I go back someday in the not so near future, I will check into renting an apartment.

Thanks for stopping by.