Monday, November 10, 2008

Complete Happiness!

via Porchlight Interiors

While recently searching in one of our favourite second hand shops we came across these timber drawers with faux bamboo trim. It was such an exciting find, we couldn't wait to get them home and turn them into the beautiful piece they were intended to be. After much discussion, it was decided that yellow would be the chosen colour and we couldn't have been happier with the end result. They are currently in a home that we have just finished styling and I'm missing them already. I have to stop getting attached to furniture!


Oliveaux said...

They are stunning! What a fabulous find & love it with the painting and mercury glass. Amanda x

vicki archer said...

the yellow is a wonderful colour - very brave and very original. i love it xv

Viera said...

What a great find and I very much love the color you have chosen. Excellent stilling!

The House That A-M Built said...

OMG it is exquisitely gorgeous! ... and the little arrangement is just perfect! A-M xx

Rachel Mallon said...

The yellow bamboo really works well!

Anna Spiro said...

Oh, you lucky girls - what a great find! I would have been beside myself if I had have spotted these!! Love the yellow too!

Pineapple Villa said...

That just looks so happy and gorgeous, great find indeed! Mel xxx

Brown Button Trading said...

WOW! perfect colour choice - beautiful work ladies!! x

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...


Sharnel said...

Do i have to give them back???

Anonymous said...

Love your work! Do you have a before picture?
The bird picture on the wall is just gorgeous too.

Velvet and Linen said...

What a great idea to paint them yellow.
Once again, you have given a piece a whole new lease on life.
I'm sure they look fantastic in their new home.


{Amanda} said...

this is a happy find! glad you found a good home for it though- lovely happy =)

The Pampered World said...

I normally do not like yellow for clothing nor home decor, but when I saw the pic I fell in love with it. The vases, the flowers, just everything about it is beautiful!Great choice!!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

this is so beautiful, love the overall theme as well, with the vases, some sweet flowers & that cute art work! lucky you :)

avant garde design said...

it glows! something about yellows this year. they are seen everywhere, either hints or bold in your face blocks of yellow color. love love love it. i too would be sad to see it go!

Porchlight Interiors said...

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. Unfortunately Catherine we didn't take a before picture - kicking ourselves afterward!

Millie said...

Your talents know no bounds oh clever ones!
Millie ^_^

Amanda said...

Wow, what a great find! Lovely work.

Amanda xx

la la Lovely said...

I could see how you could get attached.. so pretty!

Camilla said...

You are brave to let this beauty out! Its stunning!

Unknown said...

This is so gorgeous! I just found a old piece of furniture at a garage sale and I can't decide on what color to paint it. Thanks for the inspiration! Daisy~

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful! I wish I had your talent of finding such great things, and being able to refinish and paint them. Great post!