Friday, August 28, 2009

Pool Inspiration!

Things That Inspire have definitely inspired me this week with this stunning pool area! I have lots of work to do to get my pool area looking like this but it certainly helps to have pictures to show my husband and the paver. What's inspired you this week? Happy weekend!


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Just perfect for laying around my pool [one day!]. Have a great weekend. x Julie

Sharnel said...

My garden and this gorgeous weather has inspired me!
Happy weekend!

Black Zebra said...

My dream.....

Heidi said...

Love those vines. Heidi

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Yep....feels like light years away from where I need to be with our pool...but lovely! said...

Wow, its a beauty.

mondocherry said...

That photo inspires me to do up my pool area too. It needs a lot of TLC but I'm not quite sure were to start!
Clare x